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THE ISSUE: Bills before the Legislature would raise speed limits on some state highways and reduce fines for speeding on the interstates.WE BELIEVE: These proposals are not needed, and they are dangerous. One, Senate File 95, also could make it more expensive to build roads.TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Contact us via email at .Wyoming lawmakers appear to have a need for speed. It seems that every legislative session brings proposals to raise speed limits or decrease fines for speeding. This session is no different: Each chamber is moving measures that could potentially compromise safety on Wyoming's highways.We are just as opposed to these bills as we were to the laws passed in recent sessions. These encourage risk-taking, and we worry about some drivers - particularly those who are young and inexperienced - and their ability to handle these higher speeds.In the last few sessions, lawmakers have passed bills allowing vehicles to speed up to 10 mph over the posted speed limit to pass slower vehicles on two-lane highways and urged WYDOT to raise the speed limit to 80 mph on some interstate stretches.Now come two more of these dangerous measures. House Bill 181 would lower fines for speeding on those same 80-mph stretches. Senate File 95 would encourage WYDOT to raise the speed from 65 to 70 on some state highways.HB 181 is the worst of the two. It lets drivers speed along at 85 mph with little consequence. Currently, speeders on posted 80-mph interstates are fined at least 35 plus court costs. Not a hefty fee. The full costs are at a judge's discretion.The measure, which has passed second reading in the House, would lower the fine to no more than 25 plus court costs, the same as it is for speeding on any other roadway in the state.The problem is, driving 70 on a posted 65 mph highway is much different than cruising at 85 on an interstate designed for 75 miles per hour. That extra 10 mph lowers drivers' already challenged reaction times. And, again, we are particularly concerned about novice drivers. But any driver, other than NASCAR racers, cruising at 85-90 mph worries us.A shocking part of HB 181, sponsored by Rep. Steve Harshman, R-Casper, and Sen. Eli Bebout, R-Riverton, is that it would limit fines to semi trucks traveling 86 mph or faster to 300. That encourages truckers to put the pedal to the metal. Semis blasting down the road at 90 mph? Why?SF 95 would allow WYDOT to increase speeds on some state highways from 65 to 70 mph. That might sound reasonable, but the arguments in favor by Sen. Hank Coe, R-Cody, do not.The Cody Republican says the bill would cut drive times in rural parts of the state. How much, he doesn't say. But most studies show drivers would gain a minute or two for every 50 miles traveled. That's not much of a benefit to us, especially when you weigh in the extra risks involved.WYDOT estimates that just changing the signs to 80-mph speed limits on interstates has cost 110,000. But the agency also says doing maintenance on these stretches as well as building roads to handle higher speeds will add more costs. Sponsors say they don't think that will be significant. Who do you believe, a legislator or a highway expert?When will this need for speed end? How fast is too fast? How much legislative time and state money are lawmakers willing to spend to avoid getting tickets? The answer might be found by adding up the number of drivers and passengers scraped off the highways over the next few years. toms.storeonline.us.com Listening to offensive coordinator Paul Chryst talk about Tolzien during the week, you got the impression he appreciated the steady climb made to where he is today. k Coach Outlet Online
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z Civil Dialogue Policy for Commenting on Missoulian.com oakley sunglasses LONDON Lord Greville Janner, a Jewish peer who is suffering from dementia, was informed Thursday that despite police claims of evidence of child sex abuse, he will not face prosecution. He has repeatedly denied all charges relating to alleged events between 1969 and 1988.Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders, who took the decision, said the police had enough evidence to charge him with 22 types of sexual offenses. She said most of these involved nine males, some under the age of 16.But angry police chiefs in Leicestershire, the central England area which includes the constituency Janner represented in Parliament, have indicated that they are investigating ways to overcome the prosecution s decision and bring him to court to face his alleged victims.Leicestershire Police Assistant Chief Commissioner Roger Bannister expressed his great disappointment that, despite interviewing more than 2,000 people and submitting a comprehensive file of evidence that no action would be taken.In her statement Saunders said that the child sex abuse accusations stemmed from Janner s activities with residents of a Leicestershire children s home between 1970 and the 1980s. Janner allegedly persuaded the manager of the home, Frank Beck, to provide him with access to children so that he could perpetrate serious sexual offenses on children .Janner, 86, who served as president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and as vice president of the World Jewish Congress, took a prominent role in representing the Jewish community on a wide range of issues. Besides his leadership of the campaign to secure the release of Soviet Jewry, he is probably best known for his pursuit of former Nazis and the establishment of the Holocaust Educational Trust to ensure the memory of the victims is never forgotten.A barrister before he entered Parliament, Janner moved to the House of Lords when he retired from the House of Commons in 1997. His attendance and participation in debates tailed off in recent years, as his dementia increased in severity.Saunders said that mistakes had been made in not putting Janner on trial previously during the three previous investigations into his alleged activities. However, after several medical tests, the severity of his condition means that his evidence could not be relied upon in court and he could not have any meaningful engagement with the court process and as a result the court would find it impossible to proceed. In a statement issued by his family, Janner was described as a man of great integrity and high repute, with a long and unblemished record of public service. As the Crown Prosecution Service indicated today, this decision does not mean or imply that any of the allegations that have been made are established or that Lord Janner is guilty of any offense, the statement said. v
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Citi Bike was originally taken offline at 10 pm Friday through the weekend for maintenance. Originally the work was supposed to last through Sunday but Citi Bike says it finished ahead of schedule and stations have been re-activated.The wheels temporarily stopped spinning for Citi Bike users. Citi Bike was originally taken offline at 10 pm Friday through the weekend for maintenance. Originally the work was supposed to last through Sunday, but Citi Bike says it finished ahead of schedule and stations have been re-activated.Updated: Saturday, March 28 2015 3:09 PM EDT2015-03-28 19:09:00 GMTCrime NewsA man accused of stabbing another man eight times during a dispute over a cigarette is now facing attempted murder charges.A man accused of stabbing another man eight times during a dispute over a cigarette is now facing attempted murder charges.Updated: Saturday, March 28 2015 3:01 PM EDT2015-03-28 19:01:23 GMTNew York City NewsFrom an office by the Brooklyn Bridge, a specialized team of investigators tackles a fast-growing concern in New York City: apartments being rented like hotel rooms.From an office by the Brooklyn Bridge, a specialized team of investigators tackles a fast-growing concern in New York City: apartments being rented like hotel rooms.East Village explosion and collapseUpdated: Friday, March 27 2015 10:38 PM EDT2015-03-28 02:38:38 GMTFirefighter Mike Shepherd of Engine 41 in the Bronx was off duty and walking around the in the East Village when the blast happened. On his day off, Shepherd made a split second decision to run toward danger. He saw a scared woman come out onto the fire escape on the third floor. Shepherd climbed up the fire escape of 121 East 2nd Avenue even though it was on fire, in danger of collapse, and he was without protective gear or a breathing apparatus.Firefighter Mike Shepherd of Engine 41 in the Bronx was off duty and walking around the in the East Village when the blast happened. On his day off, Shepherd made a split second decision to run toward danger. He saw a scared woman come out onto the fire escape on the third floor. Shepherd climbed up the fire escape of 121 East 2nd Avenue even though it was on fire, in danger of collapse, and he was without protective gear or a breathing apparatus.Singer's final tourUpdated: Friday, March 27 2015 10:38 PM EDT2015-03-28 02:38:29 GMTAs the fans gathered for Barry Manilow's show Friday night at Nassau Coliseum, we were backstage with Mr. Manilow himself. He said he isn't retiring but this really is his final big tour. He said he knew he had made it when "Mandy" reached No. 1. But before he was filling arenas, Manilow had a much more modest start.As the fans gathered for Barry Manilow's show Friday night at Nassau Coliseum, we were backstage with Mr. Manilow himself. He said he isn't retiring but this really is his final big tour. He said he knew he had made it when "Mandy" reached No. 1. But before he was filling arenas, Manilow had a much more modest start.Updated: Friday, March 27 2015 8:57 PM EDT2015-03-28 00:57:12 GMTBeing a New Yorker can be stressful. And it's not always easy to take time out to stop, pause and smell the roses. We all know the saying "life's a journey not a destination" but we don't always appreciate that journey, especially when it involves rush hour commutes, long workdays and crowded streets.Being a New Yorker can be stressful. And it's not always easy to take time out to stop, pause and smell the roses. We all know the saying "life's a journey not a destination" but we don't always appreciate that journey, especially when it involves rush hour commutes, long workdays and crowded streets.Lap of LuxuryUpdated: Friday, March 27 2015 7:39 PM EDT2015-03-27 23:39:48 GMTWhen most people go diamond shopping in New York City they come to 47th Street. But the real sparklers are about 15 blocks north at Graff Diamonds on Madison Avenue, home to some of the most extraordinary stones in the world. Started by Laurence Graff in London, Graff Diamonds has been in the United States for 15 years and has cornered the market on fabulous, extraordinary stones.When most people go diamond shopping in New York City they come to 47th Street. But the real sparklers are about 15 blocks north at Graff Diamonds on Madison Avenue, home to some of the most extraordinary stones in the world. Started by Laurence Graff in London, Graff Diamonds has been in the United States for 15 years and has cornered the market on fabulous, extraordinary stones.Updated: Friday, March 27 2015 6:57 PM EDT2015-03-27 22:57:18 GMTThe NYPD is creating a whole new unit to deal specifically with using social media to connect with the community. But the unit is doing a slow roll-out to fine tune as it goes along. The 109 precinct in queens is the testing ground for a digital initiative to improve police-community relations using a platform called Ideascale, which is more selective and interactive than Twitter.The NYPD is creating a whole new unit to deal specifically with using social media to connect with the community. But the unit is doing a slow roll-out to fine tune as it goes along. The 109 precinct in queens is the testing ground for a digital initiative to improve police-community relations using a platform called Ideascale, which is more selective and interactive than Twitter.Updated: Friday, March 27 2015 5:32 PM EDT2015-03-27 21:32:21 GMTSeveral structures, including two well-known Fire Island landmarks, have been destroyed in an early morning fire. Cherry Grove Assistant Fire Chief Craig Williams says three firefighters suffered minor injuries battling the blaze. Investigators from Suffolk County police and the town of Brookhaven are working to determine the cause.Several structures, including two well-known Fire Island landmarks, have been destroyed in an early morning fire. Cherry Grove Assistant Fire Chief Craig Williams says three firefighters suffered minor injuries battling the blaze. 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